We all know of the City Park in Old Townsite that is called George Adams Park. But, have you ever wondered “Who is George Adams and why is the park named after him?” George Washington Adams was born Oct. 19, 1902 in Lavaca County, Texas. He attended school in Hallettsville, Prairie View A&M College, Kansas State College and Texas A&M University.
He became the principal of the Wilkins School in Port Lavaca in 1943 and brought competitive sports and Interscholastic League competition to the curriculum. After a few years serving as the head of the Animal Husbandry department at Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA, he returned to Port Lavaca in 1950 as the principal of Wilkins High School and later was an administrator in the Calhoun Independent School District. He retired in 1969.
The George Adams Park is named in honor of his faithful community service from 1950 to 1971. His dream was to see that all children had the opportunity to attend school and learn, so they may become well educated citizens in their community. George served as president of the South Texas District Teachers Association and the National Education Association. He served as a member of the Texas State Tuberculosis Association, the Texas Retired Teachers Association and the Omega Phi Psi fraternity. George died on September 30, 1991 at the age of 88 years in Austin, Texas